Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I don’t look at friendships as in ‘what can I get out of this?’ I look at friendships as in ‘what can I give?’

The most rewarding bonds I have with people are the ones where we both contribute to the friendship.

There are, of course, those relationships that are (to put it bluntly) selfish, where the other person is only every after something, be it someone to explain their life and help them, or someone to rant on and on to about their life. But they don’t give, emotionally, to the relationship.

As much as we might want to talk on and on about our life, our woes, and to complain endlessly about everything…the less we take time to listen. And if we are always focussing the conversation on ourselves, then that is the only area that gets explored—and we stay within the small confines of that conversation.

The greatest friend ships you will ever have are the ones where both sides want to give to the relationship, to help, to listen, to support, affirm, embrace, and to just unconditionally love and accept the other person…but also be the one to say ‘actually, I think you’re just being a pratt.’

For me, life is about people. It’s all about people and relationships. And if I have reached the end of my lifetime and not truly loved … then I have wasted a vast opportunity. And so, when it is one of those beautiful friendships … I give it all I have to give, all the love in my heart. To do otherwise is to cheat both my friend and myself. I won’t do that.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Making the changes

I have noticed that a lot of people are being pushed to make changes in their life.

This is not a new thing, it is simply that the intensity has kicked up a few notches.


Because many people were pushed years ago to start making these changes, and they didn’t. They continued with the same way of living, the same negative patterns and behaviours. They saw no need to change, and so they didn’t.

The drawback of this is: if they have started paying more attention to those little nudges to change, they would have completed the process of change by now. But they didn’t, and so it is crunch time. What could have been easy of the could of years, not has to be completed in months. Why? Because that is what the Universe is pushing!

And that is why people are having such a rough time. Life seems harder, things are more ‘unfair’…but the fact is, it they/we had listened, it would not be this tough.

Pay attention to what needs to change in your life. Start the process. It will be a lost easier in the long run.

And if life is tough…just take it one step at a time, and keep going, keep pushing yourself to make the changes. It is all for a reason, even if we cannot see what that reason is yet.

The world is changing...and it's not something we can stop.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to dive back in to writing

I have not updated this blog for a while. Why? Because I can’t seem to relax enough to let the writing flow. So, I decided, maybe the flow is found within the process of the writing itself…

Aftershocks continue. Most of them are in the 3s (magnitude) and we barely feel them. Those in the 4s give us a bit of a jolt, and a bit of a reminder that the aftershocks may go on for months. The reminders serve to keep us slightly on edge.

Whilst our house is fine, we do have cracks along the cement between the concrete blocks. These move every time there is a decent sized aftershock. We decided yesterday that they are our very own tectonic plates! The thing is…these areas (3 of them plus a crack part way down each side of the chimney) are weaker areas, and if we get an aftershock in the 5s or higher…well, I am not sure what might happen. This is the worry that lays at the back of the mind. And it has been getting in the way when I try to write!


I was thinking about the way we live our lives, the focus we apply to our days. How often do we think too much about what we don’t have, and not enough (if at all) about what we do have?

I don’t dispute that we need money…just as I hope you will not dispute that we need to be happy in life. If I had to live in miserable worry about lack of money, every day of my life…I would rather not live at all. I do not believe that we are here, on Earth, for material gain. I believe we are here for spiritual gain. Yes, there is a necessity for money, and I respect that, but it is not the purpose of our life, it is a means.

If we don’t celebrate life … what’s the point?
If we don’t cherish the people in our life … what’s the point?
If we don’t laugh every day … what’s the point?

It’s time to examine the way we live in every hour of every day … and it’s time we made better choices!