Monday, January 17, 2011

random thoughts...: Dont' let them get you down

random thoughts...: Dont' let them get you down: "Subjected to the bad moods, frustrations and energies of the people around us, it is really hard to not be affected, to not be plummeted in..."

Dont' let them get you down

Subjected to the bad moods, frustrations and energies of the people around us, it is really hard to not be affected, to not be plummeted into states of unhappiness, depression, and fear. Is there something we can do about this?

Yes. We can own who we are, and accept that “their shit is their shit, not mine!” I don’t care if that makes us look cavalier…I just care that we not continue to live in this sewer of negative energy when it’s not ours!

I witness people facing challenges and difficulties because of what other people are doing, saying, and how they are acting. They get hurt because they take it as a judgment of who they are as a person. I think we need to allow other people to learn from every challenge that arises, and quite frankly, anything that causes a negative emotion, mood, or behaviour to arise within you is an opportunity to ask yourself 'why am I reacting this way, and what is the most positive way I can respond to this situation?' It is an opportunity to learn about who we are.

So, own who you are, as you continue to discover who you are, but accept also that you will change day to day as you continue to grow. It would be my hope that a year from now (heck, even a month from now) that you would be able to say to yourself, I am a better person today than I was a year (or month) ago. I am calmer, more peaceful, happier, and am enjoying life more, and enjoying interacting with the people in my life. 

Life should be about joy. Life should be filled with laughter!

I saw a great quote today “What other people think of you is none of your business.” And you know what? We can’t make all people love and adore and cherish us, it has to come from them! We can’t make them appreciate us – though we can live in a way that gives them something to appreciate.

There will always be people who truly see who we are, who appreciate and love us, and these are the friends we cherish! But there will also be people to whom we are almost invisible, just this background noise, and they will never know us. This, surely, is their loss!

If you cannot see the glory of another person, you should damn well be looking for it!!!! And shame on you if it is staring you in the face each and every day and you don’t even bother to look!

Be true to who you are, knowing that negative behaviour is not who you are!