Sunday, March 10, 2013

What does autumn signify?

We have entered autumn, here in New Zealand. This is an interesting season when looked at from a spiritual comparison.

This is the season where we let go of that which does not serve us, that which is not aligned with our highest growth. As the trees let go of their leaves, so too should we let got of bitterness, anger, resentment, pain, hurt, and anything else within us which we no longer which to keep. Simply let it go.

It is important to do that because when autumn ends we will enter winter. Winter is the season of going within and rebuilding ourselves in line with our highest potential. We cannot successfully embrace that if we are still holding on to our negative baggage.

Spring, of course, is the first burst of that new growth, that potential.

So, now that you have some idea of how the seasons can truly be a reflection of our own growth, are you will to step forward and make some progress?