Sunday, July 21, 2013

Out for a ride

Warm winter day.

Me? Time to fit a quick ride in!

The previous weekend had been wet, busy, and no time to go for a bike ride. This weekend I was at a Wing Chun seminar on the Saturday and then Sunday I managed to get everything done in time to head off.

Normally I don't do anything less than a 50 kilometre ride on Ruby (2013 Specialized Ruby Comp Compact), but this weekend it was already well after 2 p.m. when I managed to go riding, and so I only got a 40 kilometre ride in. The temperature drops around 3 p.m., and when the sun is lower in the sky sun-strike becomes a risk -- one day, in the car, I saw a cyclist knocked off his bike because a driver was blinded by the sun.

I am not a fast cyclist, so I don't break any records out there...but I am the one you see giggling when she 'bolts' through an intersection! I love nothing more than getting up to the traffic lights and not having to un-clip before they turn green, and when that happens...I stand up in the pedals and sprint that bike, flying past the cars! It is deeply satisfying!

I am definitely getting fitter with the cycling, and when I put on the padded suit at Eskrima class I have found my endurance is much better!

Cycling is not just fun, and great exercise, it's time to just ride with my thoughts, sometimes I will be processing a problem, sometimes I will be thinking about my energy, and sometimes I will be thinking about the novel I am in the progress of writing. Yeah, I know, I am a writer, a fighter, and a biker.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What does autumn signify?

We have entered autumn, here in New Zealand. This is an interesting season when looked at from a spiritual comparison.

This is the season where we let go of that which does not serve us, that which is not aligned with our highest growth. As the trees let go of their leaves, so too should we let got of bitterness, anger, resentment, pain, hurt, and anything else within us which we no longer which to keep. Simply let it go.

It is important to do that because when autumn ends we will enter winter. Winter is the season of going within and rebuilding ourselves in line with our highest potential. We cannot successfully embrace that if we are still holding on to our negative baggage.

Spring, of course, is the first burst of that new growth, that potential.

So, now that you have some idea of how the seasons can truly be a reflection of our own growth, are you will to step forward and make some progress?