Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coping after the earthquake...

We needed some groceries items (milk, bread, fruit) and when I called in to our local small supermarket the car park was full. Heading for the next supermarket I decided I would park in the open car park and not the underground one where I normally preferred to park. However, when I got there all the outdoor car parks were taken, and I was forced to make a decision: abandon the shopping, or park in the car park under the building. Normally this would not be a decision to even ponder, but this time, I twinge of anxiety ran through me, and I actually prayed as I pulled under the building and parked my car—and yes there were many car parks available here. There were to be no earthquakes or aftershocks while I was in that building! And I sent a text to my children to let them know where I was—just in case something happened.
 Yes, that is what we are living with!

I could not possibly have done the shopping any faster, and even on my way back to the car I said another prayer, as visions of the entire building collapsing on me ran through my mind! It was a relief to be out of there and on my way home.
Today, my son and I had to go to Bunnings to get some supplies so that the laundry paintjob could be completed—it was started back in January. Here, again I just wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible. My daughter was home and I did not want to be away for long. I will point out here that my son is 21 and my daughter is 19, so they are not toddlers!!           

This has truly highlighted to me the state of worry and anxiety that so many of us are living in.
At night I make sure my daughter knows where the torch is, where the jacket is, so that if she has to run out the door she can grab her jacket on the way. The door is only locked at the top lock so that she can open the door easily. Forget chub locks, as just try getting a key into a keyhole in the middle of an Earthquake when everything is shaking like crazy. Son would head out the front door, and the car keys are in the door, so he can unlock, grab and run!
Torches have to be readily accessible at night. Last thing before I go to bed, I make sure the bottles of boiled water are all filled, and put one last jug of water on to boil.
We are not living as we used to. We are living in a state of preparedness, ready to do what we need to do as soon as we need to do it.
Our lives have changed.
With time things will settle, anxieties will ease, fears will diminish. 
Until then can I just say this, to all my family and friends: you mean everything to me.

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