Or is it representative of a past ‘us’?
As we grow and evolve—and I am talking about the spiritual path—we change. That which was once representative of who we were—our style of dressing, footwear, business cards, website design—is no longer accurate. It is time to take a look at who we are now, in this moment.
Who are you? What’s your style? Do the clothes you wear represent who you are? Does your website represent your personality and joy of life?
Is everything a bit too restrained? Too confined? Too non-descript?
Staying within a past description of you is like tying a weight around your ankles and then walking on. It holds you to that past. If you can let go of what represented you in the past and embrace what is representative of you now, then you can forge ahead unburdened.
We cannot pretend that we have not changed. We cannot continue to act in a way that is no longer who we are.
We have to live, fully and joyously, in this moment and every moment beyond.
Don’t bind yourself to something you have outgrown. Allow yourself to expand and grow and rejoice at the BEingness that you are.
Annie, you're a gem. A Goddess capable of being Tigress of gentle Cat, depending on what is required.