Saturday, August 28, 2010
random thoughts...: What a weekend!
What a weekend!
I promised my sister four raised gardens for her birthday, and finally we got a weekend of good weather.
I spent nearly all day Saturday sawing wood and drilling...and by days end my back was so sore, and tennis elbow was flaring in both elbows. BUT, it was a job I had been wanting to get done, so was feeling pretty satisfied.
I am doing what I can to encourage my sister to grow some vegetables and herbs! We have both long held an interest in good health and diet, so I am just doing what I can to help!
I may get some extra seedlings going come spring and take some out for her. I think the gardens are a good height, and easy to get at from all sides, so should make vegetable gardening a pleasure! Can you think of anything better than going out into the garden and eating a fresh strawberry, guava, or tomato, straight from the plant? The energy of the food is at its very best!
The other jobs that I had wanted to get done was to move the Feijoas and Chilean Guavas from sitting on top of the soil, to planted IN the soild!
I had -- after the first picture was taken -- bought another Chilean Guava! This garden is the garden for growing fruit! Must admit, those are voilets planted along the front, but my argument is: they will attract the bees!
We do actually have a Feijoa already...but when you like Feijoas (as out whole family does) then one tree is simply never enough! Feijoas have always been a they will be a feast!
Getting out in the fresh air and doing some gardening, is just as much about exercise and fresh air as it is about growing healthy organic food. We spend so long indoors in winter, that come spring and summer I want to be outdoors in my gardens. I never used to be much of a gardener, but it's a bit addictive!
I also finally put the Compact Stella Cherry in the pot, and that job was another that had been waiting for me.
Why a cherry? Why in a pot? A friend of mine, a gorgeous girl called Debbie, told me about her cherry tree in a pot and the six kilos of fruit she got off it last season. I admit that I will need to learn how to keep it pruned properly, but I have a gardener friend who can help me with that.
It has been a busy, tiring weekend ... and I am now rewarding myself with a large mug of tea and a sit down while I watch the rugby match between the Wallabies and the Springboks!
Monday, August 16, 2010
We Expect Too Much of Each Other
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You don't see this man complain that he doesn't have a car. |
- I would rather celebrate having one dollar in my pocket than grieve for the fact that I do not have two dollars in my pocket.
- I would rather celebrate my simple small apartment, than grieve for the big seven bedroom house that I do not have.
- I would rather celebrate every second of the lives of my children, than ever ever grieve for how much it costs to raise them.
- I would rather eat soup and scones for dinner at home with my family, than grieve for the dinner I am not having in a fancy restaurant.
- I would rather celebrate the days I get to spend with my father and sister, than grieve at the months during which we live thousands of miles apart.
- I would rather marvel at the sunrise, than grieve over the pile of ironing that I could be tending to.
- I would rather celebrate that last piece of chocolate cake, than mourn that it is almost all gone.
- I would rather relish ever second that my friends can spend with me, than mourn that we don’t get to see each other enough.
- I would rather celebrate the heat of the day, than complain that it is too hot to go out.
- I would rather enjoy that cup of tea at the food-court up the road, than complain that the sweat is running down my back.
- I would rather walk on aching feet to the coffee shop to share cheesecake with my child, than say no and loose that special time together.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Change the self you show the world

Writers don't just WATCH movies
Sunday, August 8, 2010
All Blacks v Wallabies
They kept focused, and did not let up on the Wallabies for a second.
To their credit, the Wallabies gave a great effort, they never stopped trying to score, they had posession of the ball for much of the match...they just couldn't seem to convert that possession into goals.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Live with PASSION!
Family, friends and society all demand things from us, behaviors, procedures, manners, interactions, tact, etc etc etc. But in trying to answer everyone else’s requirements/demands, we never really discover who we are.
And so, starting today, starting the moment I began to realize this: I will live with all the passion, personality and love that I am.
We are each unique, and were never meant to be replicas of a divine being, but rather us living as a divine being. Me, and all that I am, my sense of humor, my personality, my passions, all living as a divine being. It is all about how we live.
I have met many people who…to be honest…they live such a pale life, when there is such magnificent, colorful passion and joy just waiting to burst through. They are living in pastel, when the full pallet of color is available to them.
Look back at your life, and see (particularly for women) how you changed your behavior because you wanted to fit in, to be accepted, to be liked, to be respected, to be envied, to make people proud, to impress, to fit in with a partner’s friends and associates. You will see, time and time again, how you ‘played a role’. This is why so many of us don’t really know who we are.
The funny thing for me is…when I am writing I know exactly who my characters are, and when I am writing I know that that is who and what I am: a writer.
I have had a tendency to behave conservatively with other people, and that stops now. I went to dinner a few weeks ago, dressed up in my jeans, high heeled red boots, and black leather jacket, and I was just me in all my glory for the night. And you know what? It felt great. I talked to the people sitting around me and we all had a great time. I think it was a better night because I was being my passionate self and not the conservative ‘Mr X’s wife’.
So, here’s my suggestion. Let’s all start living with a whole lot more passion and personality. Stop hiding, stop being conservative.
My Dad and I often have the discussion of ‘characters’ and he (being born in 1929) worked with men who had survived WWII. Some of these men were real characters! They had been through something so brutal, but they knew what was important. Today’s corporate world and bosses are all about money and profit, and making themselves feel important. It’s power games, and they have never ever had to truly test themselves in battle. And don’t you dare talk to me of board room battles, because they are not battles. Compared to a war, to life and death struggles, they are petty arguments amongst power hungry people. That’s all.
People who have faced their mortality return home changed by that experience. Whilst we who have not faced our mortality are still buying into this plastic false, surface living life.
No more!!!
I’m tired of talking to people who are afraid to fully live. Let’s live, with passion and personality!! Don’t be afraid to be you.
Forget the pastel colors, forget the beige life. Let us live the full pallet of colors!!!