January the first is always such an interesting day, so full of promise and excitement…and an empty diary.
Every year I experience the same unspoken question: what will I fill this diary with?
So here we are…a new year and an empty diary…
I don’t make new years resolutions, but I do have hopes and expectations of myself, and these I embrace without demand, and without putting myself under any pressure.
I have entered 2011 slimmer, toned, with a better wardrobe, and (most importantly) with a greater understanding of who I am (although I know that this will evolve). At the beautiful age of 47 I came to finally know ME…in all my glory…and it was almost a surprise to meet the real me.
As a writer I expect myself to work harder this year…and so long as we don’t have another big earthquake and relentless aftershocks, I think I can manage that! I know that this is my ‘work’, and I know that the works that I write are not just a part of my journey, but will (hopefully) be a part of your journey. (All I need is a publisher who will say ‘Yes!).
I personally believe we should all use this new year to be greater people, to be more loving, kinder, compassionate, tolerant, understanding, to be greater human beings.